Rabu, 18 Maret 2009

Spoiler One Piece 536



Mr.2 in disguise of Hannyabal tried to make antidote in the medical room, but was told it's not possible.
Mr.2 remembered that the legendary king of okama"the man of miracle" Emporio Iwankov once saved many dying people and countries and decided to seek help from him.
It is heard that he was involved in an unnatural missing incident in an prison-break effort several years ago and was missing.
Mr.2 and his fellows reached lvl.5. They are deceived by the prisoners and entered the forest with wolves.
They are attacked by the wolves. Mr.3 an buggy fled. In the critical time Luffy?still in the dying condition? used haki to knock the wolves back and the two of Mr.2 and Luffy lost consiousness.
A half-black, half-white man, Iwa-san appeared.
End of the chapter

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